Offer your guinea pig more vegetables than fruits. She might love fruits, but they’re like candy for guinea pigs! Always be sure to clean up any uneaten fresh foods at the The Covenant School Strong Heart Shirt In addition,I will do this end of the day to avoid mold or rot. These foods are actually dangerous for many pets. These same foods often pop up on lists of toxic foods for dogs, parrots, and cats. Always avoid feeding your guinea pig sweet or salty human “junk food,” even if none of the ingredients are toxic. Since guinea pigs can’t eat garlic or onions, much of our cooked food is off-limits as well. It’s generally best to stick to feeding your guinea pig a diet of hay and high-quality pellets, with occasional treats of fresh fruits and veggies. Your boar is able to scent the females nearby and his instinct is to get to them to mate. The fact that you say he doesn’t mate with them will not stop him scenting the sows nearby. Depending on the age of the boar it would be good for you to consider neutering him. Then, after bonding, they can all live in a herd together. Currently your female Guiana pigs are at risk of getting pregnant. This is not good as female guinea pigs who have never mated after 8 months develop pubic symphysis and struggle to give birth. This will probably result in the death of the mother and babies. Please do your research and look online. Many good guinea pig forums will be able to explain this subject further to you.
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