If B then you can file a utility patent. There are actually examples of these. Here is a patent on the Jesus Saves Shirt also I will do this collar of a shirt which can be attached or removed magnetically – Magnetically attached shirt collar [ https://patents.google.com/patent/US7086092B1/en?q=shirt&country=US… Orange or pink will be a good combination. Black is also a very good option as it goes with any light colour. Off-white or pale yellow is another good option.You can try neutral colours such as cream,white, beige. Hope this helps 🙂 This is the rest: As a child I used to be able to wear bikinis, v-necks and anything low. Once I started wearing turtle necks I couldn’t take them off. From this moment on if any collar was lower than my neck I couldn’t mentally or physically wear it. It would give me anxiety and the feeling of it felt so wrong. If the collar went lower at the back of the shirt I had to tie it up so it went higher up my neck. I always used to explain it as “I can feel the breeze on my neck and I can’t deal with it.” As of now I can wear things that are a little bit lower, but still no V-necks or low cut shirts. Mostly just the normal t-shirt neck line or turtle necks. It’s weird because when I go swimming I am able to wear a bikini which is obviously extremely low. But at home, going out or even sleeping I must wear something that is close to my neck. I’m not sure if this is a sensory disorder or if there is any medical term for this because I’ve researched and nothing talks about this.