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When I was actively scanning in MRI we used to have virtually all outpatients change into gowns. With CT not so much..So don’t be stunned if no matter what you wear you are asked to change. The patient’s wellbeing and emotional state. As a medic, nurse, doctor, it’s sometimes forgotten the Patrick Mahomes II Kansas City 2X MVP Signature Shirt but in fact I love this oath for which we work and follow under. You tend to become cold and things become routine. There’s nothing whatsoever as routine with a person’s life and their mental state. Place yourself in a position where you are told you have cancer and after test after lengthy test you feel worthless and a bother. You hear a nurse or tech saying after this patient they are headed for lunch or supper break. Or that they are tired, hung over and just fed up with the case load for the day. Imagine you are learning your life now has a very early expiration date and you have to listen to all this unnecessary chatter. Heart breaking, painful, the feeling of worthlessness and a bother should NEVER be heard. So as for any test, any procedure, any form of intervention the patient MUST COME FIRST AND BE YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY. You must treat that patient as though they were your mum or daddy, your child or wife or husband. You must treat a patient as you would expect to be treated. Never ever anything less.
Life is precious and so short to so many. Especially if you have chosen to work in a career taking care of other human beings lives. We all bleed red and when your laying on a gurney, the Patrick Mahomes II Kansas City 2X MVP Signature Shirt but in fact I love this doctor just told you you’re stage 4 lung cancer and MAYBE you have 6 months, you would expect to be treated with the best care and the utmost respect. I once had a patent come in the ER from a nursing home. All over his paperwork it stated and was legally documented that this guy could not talk. Had not spoken in years. He had to have an emergency surgery and I volunteered to transport him to OR. There was an hours plus wait and I called downstairs to let my charge nurse know I wasn’t leaving his side. I received authorization and stayed. Do you know for that hour and a half this man who formally worked for Boieng Aircraft design department was one of the top engineers who designed aircraft for WW2. He was so successful in his field and how did I learn all this? He TALKED to me.